Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Chamber
Crestline Village will host its annual tent sale this month, giving shoppers the opportunity to get back-to-school deals from local retailers.
This year's sale will take place on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event, held in conjunction with the Pants Store’s annual tent sale, brings merchants from storefronts into the streets to offer discounts on clothing, shoes and more as they clear out summer products to prepare for fall.
The Pants Store puts up a large circus-type tent across from the library, and Doidge said the event is a collaborative effort by all of the businesses. Restaurants also get involved and offer discounts.
The sale began in 2012 as a way to boost business during the sluggish summer months and allow shoppers to buy back-to-school goods locally.
The Mountain Brook chamber is a sponsor for the event and handle the set it up and promotion of the event.
Shoppers should check with the participating retailers for store hours, sales and promotions.
For more information about the Crestline Tent Sale, visit mtnbrookchamber.org.