Photo by Madoline Markham.
City Council Group 2014-2016
City council members Alice Womack, Lloyd Shelton, Mayor Terry Oden, President Pro Tempore Billy Pritchard, President Virginia Smith and Jack Carl gather outside City Hall after Womack, Shelton and Pritchard were sworn into office on Nov. 3.
The Mountain Brook City Council tonight signed off on several agreements needed to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Cahaba Road, U.S. Highway 280, Culver Road and Lane Parke Road. Because the roundabout would be constructed on the city property of Mountain Brook, Birmingham and involve the Alabama Department of Transportation’s oversight of the highway, the plan involves a variety of different resolutions.
As part of its consent agenda, council members agreed to the following resolutions in regard to the roundabout project:
- An agreement for cost-sharing between the city and City of Birmingham
- An agreement between the city and ALDOT for preliminary engineering
- An agreement between the city and ALDOT for right-of-way acquisition
- An agreement between the city and ALDOT for utility and construction
The intersection, according to the council’s agenda packet, is considered “an important connector” for visitors of the Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Mountain Brook Village. The changes, according to the agenda, would “facilitate the flow of traffic in that area.”
Per the agreement, the total estimated cost puts the total project at just under $3.5 million for the right of way acquisition, preliminary engineering, utilities and construction costs. The cost will be split among Federal CMAQ Funding, as well as the cities of Birmingham and Mountain Brook.
In other business, the council also:
- Authorized the execution of service agreements with Jefferson/Blount/St. Clair Mental Health Authority; Exceptional Foundation; Jefferson County Historical Commission; Alabama Veteran’s Memorial Foundation; Birmingham Museum of Art; Alabama Symphonic Association; Birmingham Botanical Society; Birmingham Children’s Theatre; Birmingham Zoo; Prescott House; McWane Science Center; Alabama Ballet.
- Resolution authorizing the installation of a street light on Mount Royal Circle
- Resolution authorizing the street light upgrades on Brook Manor Drive
The next city council meeting will be held Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.