Unlawful Breaking / Entering of a Vehicle:
A UBEV case occurred in the 2900 block of US Highway 280 on June 20. Unknown suspect(s) broke the driver’s side window and stole a GPS unit.
Burglary / Residential:
A residential burglary was reported in the 200 block of Foxhall Road on June 22. Unknown suspect(s) were reported to have entered the residence and stolen a cell phone. The investigation revealed that the property had not been stolen and no offense occurred.
A residential burglary occurred in the 4200 block of Antietam Drive on June 21. The suspect forced entry through a window at the rear of the residence. This burglary was discovered by the Night Shift Patrol officers after locating a wrecked vehicle with property stolen from the residence inside the vehicle. Investigation has revealed that the suspect may be involved in several recent burglaries in the City of Mountain Brook and other jurisdictions. The stolen property was recovered. The case is still an active investigation.
A residential burglary occurred in the 20 block of Cross Ridge Road on June 25. Unknown suspect(s) forced entry through a window at the rear of the residence. There was no property reported stolen at the time of the report.
Case Investigation / Update:
On June 4, a residential burglary had been reported in the 4000 block of Montevallo Road. Investigators identified the suspect and charges have been filed.