1212 DeBuys Doss Eagle Scouts
John Forrester DeBuys IV, and Wirth Wellington Doss
John Forrester DeBuys IV, and Wirth Wellington Doss, members of Troop 63 at Canterbury United Methodist Church, were awarded the rank of Eagle Scout in a Court of Honor ceremony on Oct. 14.
For his Eagle Scout leadership project, DeBuys organized and implemented a double elimination basketball tournament at The Exceptional Foundation called Hoops for Halloween. DeBuys also worked with the Junior League of Birmingham, who sponsored a Halloween dinner and dance the night before the tournament.
DeBuys raised more than $2,000 with his project and made a donation of over $500 to The Exceptional Foundation with the excess funds.
For his project, Doss designed and built three large picnic tables and three painted bookcases for the residents at Changed Lives Christian Center (CLCC) in north Birmingham. Changed Lives, which opened it’s doors in September 2010, is a faith based ministry that offers transitional housing for men who are on their way to recover from homelessness.
In addition to the funds required to carry out the project, Doss raised more than $2,000 that was donated to Changed Lives.
As members of Troop 63, DeBuys earned 21 merit badges and Doss earned 22. Both were inducted into the Order of the Arrow, participated twice in Troop 63’s leadership training weekend at the University of the South, and attended the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base located in the Florida Keys in 2010.
Both boys are juniors at Mountain Brook High School and play on the varsity football team. Forrester is a member of the baseball team, serves as a class representative of the Student Government Association and is a member of the Interact Club as well as the Latin Honor Society. Doss is a member of the varsity lacrosse team and was a charter member of the Mountain Brook Bass Fishing team.
Forrester is the son of Katherine and Forrest DeBuys. He is the grandson of Raleigh Kent of Mountain Brook, John and Martha DeBuys of Mountain Brook, and Maida Burrow and Jerry Bush of Grand Junction, Colo. He is the great-grandson of Patricia Burrow of Grand Junction, Colo. and Minnie Rast of Mountain Brook.
Wirth is the son of Kathleen and Edmund Doss. He is the grandson of Elise and Harold Doss of Mountain Brook and Sharon and Edward Sprouse of Columbus, Ga., and the great grandson of Dorothea Dow of Athens, Ga.