0312 Best Of - EOL
The Children's Department at the Emmet O'Neal Library offers a variety of programs and activities for children.The Junior Women's Committee of 100 (JWC), a non-profit support group for the Emmet O'Neal Library, is holding a Book Buddy program for the holidays. Order forms must be received by Dec. 1.
For each donation made to the library, a book will be selected and added to the Children's Collection. A bookplate will be inscribed with the name/names of whoever the donor would like to honor, and a letter will be sent to the honoree(s) notifying them of the book given in their honor.
On Dec. 17, a special program will be held for donors and honorees, during which the honoree will have the opportunity to be the first person to check out his or her book. Mrs. Clause will also be present at the event.
For a form or more information, contact Diana Browning at dianaBBrowning@gmail.com or 807-3217.