Photo courtesy of the Riech Family.
0413 Lucy Reich
Sixth grader Lucy Reich, pictured with her chickens, is holding an "eggathon' to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
When brainstorming a way to help her dad’s campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Man of Year, 12-year-old Lucy Reich and her mom thought of one thing: chickens. Her dad, David, is currently in the middle of building a new coop for the family’s chickens Snow White, Jasmine and Belle — a responsibility Lucy shares with her parents.
Drawing inspiration from Boosterthon pledges, Lucy, a sixth grader at Crestline Elementary, is holding an “eggathon” to raise money for her dad’s campaign. She is asking people to commit to donating 25 cents or more per egg laid by the chickens from March 31-April 30.
Each chicken lays about one egg each day, and she has calculated that three eggs a day times 25 cents times 31 days comes out to about $23.
“We wanted to do an amount that people wouldn’t look at as a huge request,” her mom Lisa said.
Lucy and her mom designed a flyer about the eggathon and distributed it to the sixth grade class at Crestline. She has several people pledge already and is working to spread the word to recruit more participants at school and through her involvement with the Birmingham Equestrian Team.
Her dad David’s is participating in the Man of the Year fundraiser in memory of his brother, Tom Reich, who passed away 27 years ago from leukemia at age 33.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s continued advancements over the years are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.
Every dollar David raises counts as one vote for the fundraising campaign, and the candidate with the most votes will be named Man or Woman of the Year on May 16.
To make a pledge for Lucy’s Eggathon, email The Reichs will tally the egg count after March 31 and email participants with a dollar amount. All donations are tax deductible.
You can also give directly to David’s campaign at any time between now and May 16.