Photo courtesy of Carmen Morrow.
0912 Twisters Club
Twisters Social Chairmen, President and Founding Officers Beth Andrews, Carmen Morrow, Lynn Creighton, Susan Waggoner, Andrea Hawkins, Kathy Whatley, Elisabeth Branch, Kendall Eagan, Landon Stivender, Jodi Skinner and Ginger Hollingsworth.
In celebration of its 25th anniversary and because it was so much fun the first time, the Twisters recently teamed up with another dance club, the Go-Gos, to host the second ever Hair Ball at Park Lane in English Village. What on earth is a Hair Ball? Just an excuse to get a crazy hairdo and wear a wig or a costume or whatever to a party. Guests were treated to music by the Locust Fork Band and food catered by Kathy G. This year’s social chairmen, Beth Andrews, Andrea Hawkins and Susan Waggoner (Twisters) and Leigh Collins (Go-Gos), planned the party. Twisters’ founding officers attending the ball were President Elisabeth Branch, Secretary Ginger Hollingsworth, Membership Chairman Lynn Creighton, Hospitality Chairman Jodi Skinner and Treasurer Kendall Eagan.