1112 Anne Womack
Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation Executive Director Anne Womack
Anne Womack recently stepped into the position of executive director of the Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation. In her new role, she said she hopes to not only continue the organization’s tradition of fundraising success, but also focus on additional outreach and engagement efforts.
Womack, 27, grew up in Mountain Brook and was in the school system from kindergarten through her graduation from Mountain Brook High School in 2003. So, when the Foundation was formed in 1992, her education was directly affected, she said.
Now, as director, she is looking forward to building on the existing success the Foundation experienced under its previous director, Carmine Jordan.
“(Jordan) – along with countless members of the Mountain Brook community – has grown this Foundation into an organization that has become essential to the success of the school system,” Womack said. “I am excited to build on that and add new initiatives to make the Foundation even more effective. I am also excited to be back in my home community working to help the school system that gave me so many wonderful opportunities.”
Womack said the Foundation’s mission under her leadership would remain unchanged – “to mobilize community support and resources for the academic improvement of the school system.” Funds raised become part of a permanent endowment, and to date the foundation has raised more than $4.7 million for the school system.
In celebration of its 20th anniversary this year, in October the foundation organized and operated a vendor’s table at the MBHS football game where members gave out promotional stickers and sold seat cushions. Womack said it was a successful event the foundation plans to repeat at an MBHS basketball game this winter.
“We are working on a few other events as well,” she said. “And more on those will be coming soon.”
Under her direction, Womack also said the foundation’s priorities for the coming year would be to work to establish an annual giving program at the foundation, as well as focus more on reaching out to alumni of the Mountain Brook school system to engage them in the organization’s efforts. Womack said the easiest way for the community to help the foundation is to go to its website (mtnbrookschoolsfoundation.com) and make a gift on the new online giving page.
“On the website, people can also find more information about the foundation and reports on where the money goes,” Womack said. “In addition to giving, we encourage people to join us at our events and spread the word about the ways the foundation is making a difference in the schools and the lives of our students.”
For more on the Foundation visit mtnbrookschoolsfoundation.com or call 414-0042. The Foundation is also on Twitter at twitter.com/mbcsfoundation.