In 1995, two Mountain Brook residents started PreSchool Partners for at-risk children from the Norwood and Whatley communities. Today, Allene Neighbors is one of several residents on its staff who work to equip 70 children, ages three and four, each year with the skills necessary to begin kindergarten.
In addition to teaching reading, numbers, shapes and colors, the program also focuses on general behavior, computer skills, music, art and dance. Parents of the children are required to attend life skills meetings as a part of the partnership.
As director of development, Neighbors spends her time working with corporations, donors and volunteers to ensure that PreSchool Partners educates the future leaders of Birmingham to the best of their abilities. She also plans the Food Truck Roundup fundraiser and is the organizer behind a Crestline Rocks concert event in the works for September.
“In working with Mountain Brook residents on behalf of PreSchool Partners, we are all enriched in the experience of helping others build better lives,” Neighbors said.
In addition to her position with PreSchool Partners, Neighbors, a Crestline resident, is a member at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, serves on the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Young Supporters Board, and is part of the Ballet Guild.
“I love serving Mountain Brook because I was born and raised here and am raising my family here, too,” Neighbors said. “I am thankful for the positive influence my hometown has given me, and I want the same for my children and future generations as well.”