Photo courtesy of Linda Pope
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Front row: Lamar Cooper, Keelyn Callaway, Ann Brooks Johnson, Laura Middlebrook, Kate Register. Second row: Rebecca Lankford, Laura Keel, Dabney Bragg, Alice Brown, Dealie Pope. Back row: Katie Windle, Ann Ellard Turner, Mary Kathryn Chesebro.
Mountain Brook 12th grade girls and their escorts were presented at the 2013 Starlight Ball at the Cahaba Grand on Jan. 26. The venue was transformed into a “Hollywood Walk of Fame” by Robert Logan of Backstage Florists. The 131 presentees, their escorts and guests enjoyed dinner before the presentation and dancing afterward to the music of 24/7.
Sue Register was chairman of the Starlight Ball; co-chairmen were Allison Brown and Carolyn Greene. The ball committee included 25 mothers.