0513 Cherokee Bend Expressions
Fifth grader Genevieve Wilson placed first at CherokeeBend and second at district in Visual Arts.
District winners of the Mountain Brook Expressions Art Contest had their work showcased recently at the Expressions District Art Show held this year in the Cherokee Bend School Auditorium. The artists were on hand to discuss their pieces, answer questions and accept compliments.
During the show Superintendent Dicky Barlow announced the district winners, further recognizing their unique achievement and stoking the flame for a life long interest in the thought-provoking beauty and amusement of the fine arts. The winning pieces in Visual Arts and Photography were also on display at Emmett O’Neal Library.
Students from all four elementary schools in Mountain Brook participate in contest categories of Visual Arts, Musical Composition, Literature, Photography and Video judged at the school and district level by experts in each field.