0512 CBS Project Playground
CBS Principal Betsy Bell with Kate Jeffcoat, Mary Winston Hendry, Alex Roberts, John Hendry, Sam Corley and Helen Ezelle.
Cherokee Bend Elementary School is in the middle of their “Project Playground” capital campaign. Due to the generosity and support of CBS families throughout the years, along with the success of fundraisers such as the Boosterthon and The Bend’s Got Talent, the school is able to install natural turf, paint and stripe the basketball court and provide a free standing two-seat swing.
The school also would like to install a shade canopy over the playground equipment as well as add benches, picnic tables and a water fountain. There are also
hopes for an intercom/phone device on the playground and a rock wall with a slide.
If you are interested in being a part of the new playground at Cherokee Bend Elementary, visit www.bricksrus. com/order/cbs to become a brick paver sponsor. Donations can be made in honor or thanksgiving of all the special people in the CBS community. Sponsorships are also available for benches, picnic tables and individual playground components. Construction on the new playground is scheduled to begin June 1.