1012 Boosterthon
Ms. Ferguson’s third grade “Fireballs” at the pep rally.
Crestline Elementary held its annual Boosterthon Pep Rally on Tuesday, September 21. The “Boosterthon Boys” welcomed each class as they entered the auditorium with music blaring and teachers and students clapping. This is the sixth year that Crestline has participated in the Boosterthon.
The grand finale of the Boosterthon experience is race day when students run between 25-35 laps around the Boosterthon speedway while teachers and parents cheer them on. The Boosterthon team spends more than 200 hours in the school teaching character lessons to the students while also getting the students “pumped up” to run the race and find sponsors.
Last year the event raised $77,000 that helped build a new playground at the school. This year the money raised will go toward new technology in the classrooms.