0513 crestline imagination
Back row: Julia Peterson, Samantha Torch, Isabel Swoger, John Decker, Lilia Ritter, Laurel Hand, Walker Starling, Susan Dulin. Front row: Sally Bussian, Margo Belden, Webb Harris, Gordon Sargent, Mac Swoger, Nicholas Miller.Crestline’s fourth grade PAGE students participated in Destination Imagination’s state tournament in Huntsville in April.
Destination Imagination is a national program that encourages teamwork, creativity and problem solving—crucial skills for today’s world.
The Spartan Protégé’s team chose the improvisation challenge titled “Change in RealiTee.” Students were told that a dramatic change had taken place and then had to create a skit to show how people were dealing with the change.
Students were required to select and research six communication technique, and then use eight plain white T-shirts and 16 markers to create costumes, sets and props. They placed second place in the state in their challenge.
Destruction, Incorporated had a challenge to build a structure weighing less than 175 grams that could hold weight and withstand forceful twists; write and present a skit that portrays a plot twist; create a prop using the same materials as the structure; and perform the skit and place weights upon the structure within 8 minutes.
Their skit centered around a group of kids who twisted someone’s fate by giving him a fake lottery ticket bought at Lucky Larry’s gas station. Their structure held 235 pounds and withstood 6 twists. They placed first in the state among their age group.