0113 Crestline CARE
Sam Enslen, in back, with Olivia Rodrigues, Hope Methvin, Virginia Walheim and Laura Kate Howell.
Five sixth-grade Crestline Student Council representatives made a presentation on the “Crestline Cougars CARE” campaign to the Mountain Brook Schools Board of Education recently.
The CARE Campaign is a school-wide effort that promotes good character. To implement the idea, the student representatives visited their assigned classes each month to share important news about upcoming events and fundraisers, as well as share a script that highlights a character concept for the month.
Scripts are provided as guidelines to help encourage open discussions between student council reps and the students in each classroom.
Whitney Carr, the teacher representative present at the Board meeting, said she wished the student council could visit more than once a month.
“I am very proud of the awesome job my sixth graders did in their presentations,” said Counselor Bonnie Lorino, a Student Council sponsor. “They made me so proud and really represented our school in the most distinguished way. The Board was so complimentary and impressed with what our students are doing to make a difference!”