1012 Leadership MB
On Oct. 17, members of Leadership Mountain Brook made presentations about city departments to members of city administration and the Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce.
Five groups of Mountain Brook High School students took turns at the podium to discuss what they learned while researching Mountain Brook’s Public Works, City Planning, Police and Fire Departments, Parks and Recreation and the Emmet O’Neal library. Each group collected and prepared its presentation using media of its choice. Two groups presented videos, two delivered their presentations using online slideshow programs and one group created QR codes that linked to a website built by its members.
- During the presentations, the audience that included city department heads, MBHS principal Vic Wilson and City Manager Sam Gaston, heard interesting facts students learned in their research, including:
- When Emmett O’Neal Library was founded, it contained only 8,000 books. It now holds more than 100,000.
- Mountain Brook was founded in 1929 but wasn’t incorporated until 1942.
- The Mountain Brook Fire Department will install car seats for residents.
- The Mountain Brook Police Department has 53 sworn and 15 civilian employees.
Leadership Mountain Brook is the result of a partnership between the Mayor’s office, MBHS and the Chamber of Commerce. The program gives students the chance to develop leadership skills, gain knowledge of business management, city government and community service, and to apply these skills within the Mountain Brook area.
For more information, visit welcometomountainbrook.com.