0213 Teddy Roosevelt
History student Peter Berryman, his dad Tim Berryman, Theodore Roosevelt reprisor Joe Wiegand, history student Mary Shelton Hornsby and her dad John Hornsby in Dr. George Prewett’s AP 11th grade U.S. history classroom as part of an educational stop facilitated by Welch Hornsby.Dr. George Prewett’s and Dr. Glenn Lamar’s 11th grade AP U.S. history classes participated in an unusual day of studies with Rough Rider President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt recently.
The 26th president of the United States was brought to life with bushy moustache, watch fob and a lot of bravado by renowned reprisor Joe Wiegand. Teddy spoke about his adventures on Amazonian and African safaris; overcoming almost debilitating asthma as a child; commissioning Tiffany’s to create his belt buckle, spurs and pearl-handled revolvers for his rancher days in the North Dakota badlands; busting monopoly trusts; building up our Navy; and having the exceptionally great adventure of raising five children in the White House, although he remarked that Mrs. Roosevelt claimed he was the sixth child she was raising. Students and teachers alike were anxious to ask the former president questions regarding his life and time in politics.
Wiegand was in Birmingham as part of Inforum, an annual investment luncheon hosted by Welch Hornsby Investment Advisors. John Hornsby, Chairman of Welch Hornsby, and Tim Berryman, Certified Financial Planner with Welch Hornsby, thought it would be fun, interactive education to sponsor Wiegand to perform for AP U.S. history students, which include their own children, Mary Shelton Hornsby and Peter Berryman.