A few members of the Mountain Brook Schools Child Nutrition Program led by CNP Director, Tricia Neura, were recognized in front of the Board of Education. Photo courtesy of William Galloway.
The MBS Child Nutrition team was introduced in front of the board and celebrated for their committed service to each of their schools and students on a daily basis during the Aug. 14 Mountain Brook Schools Board of Education meeting.
The Mountain Brook SRO team was also recognized during the meeting for being named the top SRO unit in the state.
Phil Black of B-Group Architecture presented Superintendent Dicky Barlow and the board members with the AIA (American Institute of Architects) Merit Award which was granted to B-Group in conjunction with Mountain Brook High School for the school’s classroom addition capital project in 2021-2022.
Also during the meeting:
- Brasfield and Gorrie’s Mike Culwell presented the monthly construction update to board members.
- MBS CSFO Kari Austin presented the board members with the school district’s monthly financial statements which were unanimously approved.
- The board unanimously approved the latest personnel recommendations and unanimously approved miscellaneous items as surplus so that they can be discarded/donated/sold.
- The board then tabled Policy J-15 regarding student records for one month for public comment.
All Mountain Brook school buildings and offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4 for Labor Day and the next board meeting will take place on Monday, Sept. 11 at 3:30 p.m. at Brookwood Forest Elementary.
-Submitted by William Galloway, Mountain Brook Schools